
index concordant, nonmilitant

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  • Accommodative convergence — is that portion of the range of inward rotation of both eyes (i.e. convergence) that occurs in response to an increase in optical power for focusing by the crystalline lens (i.e. accommodation). [Cassin, B. and Solomon, S. Dictionary of Eye… …   Wikipedia

  • Accommodative insufficiency — (AI) involves the inability of the eye to focus properly on an object. Approximately 80 percent of children diagnosed with CI (convergence insufficiency) also demonstrate AI …   Wikipedia

  • Accommodative Monetary Policy — When a central bank (such as the Federal Reserve) attempts to expand the overall money supply to boost the economy when growth is slowing (as measured by GDP). This is done to encourage more spending from consumers and businesses by making money… …   Investment dictionary

  • accommodative — adjective see accommodate …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • accommodative — accommodativeness, n. /euh kom euh day tiv/, adj. tending to accommodate; adaptive. [1835 45; ACCOMMODATE + IVE] * * * …   Universalium

  • accommodative — adjective Supplying with or obliging; accommodating …   Wiktionary

  • accommodative — Relating to accommodation. * * * ac·com·mo·da·tive (ə komґə da″tiv) pertaining to, of the nature of, or affecting accommodation …   Medical dictionary

  • accommodative — adj. adaptable, willing to make changes, obliging …   English contemporary dictionary

  • accommodative — ac·com·mo·da·tive …   English syllables

  • accommodative — /əˈkɒmədeɪtɪv/ (say uh komuhdaytiv) adjective tending to accommodate; adaptive. –accommodativeness, noun …  

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