special purpose entity

special purpose entity
+ special purpose entity (SPE)
An entity formed to develop, own and operate a special project while isolating financial risk and minimizing bankruptcy risk (making it "bankruptcy-remote"). It is typically prohibited from incurring debt or other obligations, and limited in its purpose and the activities in which it may engage. The entity's sole asset is the property securing the loan and its sole purpose is to own and manage the property. To isolate financial risk, the business is structured to meet strict accounting requirements to qualify for off-balance sheet treatment. Other restrictions are often put in place to reduce the risk that the entity itself will voluntarily file for bankruptcy, be involuntarily forced into bankruptcy as a result of substantive consolidation with an affiliate's bankruptcy, or otherwise be adversely affected by a bankruptcy of its parent or affiliates.
See also

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • special purpose entity — ( SPE); special purpose vehicle ( SPV) A legal entity, sometimes a trust or a limited partnership, that is created solely for the purpose of holding assets. (1) The SPV may be used to obtain off balance sheet funding by obtaining secured loans… …   Financial and business terms

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  • special purpose vehicle — (SPV) 1) A legal entity created for a limited purpose, usually for the acquisition and/or financing of a project. special purpose vehicle abbr. SPV: A legal entity created for a limited purpose. SPVs are used for a number of purposes including… …   Law dictionary

  • special-purpose vehicle — (SPV) 1) A legal entity created for a limited purpose, usually for the acquisition and/or financing of a project. special purpose vehicle abbr. SPV: A legal entity created for a limited purpose. SPVs are used for a number of purposes including t …   Law dictionary

  • special purpose vehicle — special purpose entity ( SPE); special purpose vehicle ( SPV) A legal entity, sometimes a trust or a limited partnership, that is created solely for the purpose of holding assets. (1) The SPV may be used to obtain off balance sheet funding by… …   Financial and business terms

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