melior est conditio defendentis

melior est conditio defendentis

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • melior est conditio defendentis — /miyl(i)yar est kandish(iy)ow dafendentas/ The condition of the party in possession is the better one, i.e., where the right of the parties is equal …   Black's law dictionary

  • melior est conditio defendentis — /miyl(i)yar est kandish(iy)ow dafendentas/ The condition of the party in possession is the better one, i.e., where the right of the parties is equal …   Black's law dictionary

  • Melior est conditio defendentis — The position of the defendant is superior. Osborn v Baxter (4 Cush) 58 Mass 406, 408 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • In pari delicto melior est conditio defendentis — Where the parties are equally at fault, the situation of the defendant is the more favorable. If a person suffers injury while violating a public law, the other party being also a transgressor, he cannot recover for the injury, if his unlawful… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • defendant — de·fen·dant /di fen dənt, ˌdant/ n: the party against whom a criminal or civil action is brought see also answer, codefendant compare accused, plaintiff …   Law dictionary

  • balance of probabilities — the standard of proof in civil cases, demanding that the case that is the more probable should succeed. This is the kind of decision represented by the scales of justice. The court weighs up the evidence and decides which version is most probably …   Law dictionary

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