socius criminis

socius criminis
index accessory, accomplice, cohort, colleague, copartner (coconspirator)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

socius criminis
'an associate or accomplice in the crime', specially used when discussing a person who is not a co-accused.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • socius criminis — [L.] Accomplice, confederate, accessary, abettor, associate, particeps criminis …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • socius criminis — ˈkrimənə̇s noun Etymology: Late Latin : an associate or accomplice in crime : accessory …   Useful english dictionary

  • socius —   n. (pl. ii) member; companion; associate; individual.    ♦ socius criminis, accomplice in crime …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • particeps criminis — [L.] Accomplice, confederate, abettor, socius criminis …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Auxiliary — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Auxiliary >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 auxiliary auxiliary Sgm: N 1 recruit recruit Sgm: N 1 assistant assistant Sgm: N 1 adjuvant adjuvant adjutant Sgm: N 1 ayudante ayudante coaid …   English dictionary for students

  • accessory — ac·ces·so·ry also ac·ces·sa·ry /ik se sə rē, ak / n pl ries [Medieval Latin accessorius subordinate matter, accomplice to a crime, from Latin accedere to go to, agree, assent] 1: a person who is not actually or constructively present but with… …   Law dictionary

  • accomplice — ac·com·plice /ə käm pləs, kəm / n [alteration (from incorrect division of a complice ) of complice, from Middle French, associate, from Late Latin complic complex partner, confederate]: one who intentionally and voluntarily participates with… …   Law dictionary

  • accessory — n 1. subordinate, subsidiary, auxiliary, adjunct, adjuvant, concommitant, subordinate part; minutiae or minutia, trivia, minor particular; supplement, supplementation, appendage, addition, appendix, appendant, attachment, accompaniment,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • accomplice — n accessory or Chiefly Law. accessary, Law. accessory before or after the fact, Law. principal, partner in crime, Sl. gun moll or moll, Law. parti ceps criminis, socius criminis; confederate, abettor, aider, collaborator, cooperator, contributor …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • copartner — I (business associate) noun adjuvant, associate, auxiliary, coadjutant, cohelper, collaborator, colleague, comate, companion, compeer, confrere, consociate, consort, cooperator, coworker, fellow, fellow worker, helper, mate, partner, peer,… …   Law dictionary

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