sports law

sports law
the application of law to the practice of sport as well as the study of laws relating to sport. It is generally not considered to be a separate branch of legal science but conveniently describes a new area of activity. The best claim it has is that there is a developing international jurisprudence arising out of the activities of the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

sports law
The laws, regulations, and judicial decisions that govern sports and athletes.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

sports law
The laws, regulations, and judicial decisions that govern sports and athletes.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Sports law — is an umbrella term used to describe the legal issues at work in the world of both amateur and professional sports. Sports law overlaps substantially with labor law, contract law, antitrust law, and tort law. Issues like defamation and privacy… …   Wikipedia

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  • International Association of Sports Law — (IASL) is an international scientific association founded during the 1st International Congress on Sports Law, December 11 13, 1992 in Athens and seated in Olympia, Greece. Since then IASL is activated as far as administrative matters are… …   Wikipedia

  • Marquette Sports Law Review —   Abbreviated title (ISO) Marq. Sports L. Rev. Discipline …   Wikipedia

  • Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal — The Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal is an independent, specialist, peer reviewed legal journal which addresses sports law issues of interest to Australian and New Zealand sports law practitioners. [ [ …   Wikipedia

  • SPORTS — There is no evidence of sports among the Jews during the obscure period between the close of the Bible and the Maccabean periods. At the beginning of this latter period, in the second century B.C.E., circumstances conspired to make sporting… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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