- extraordinary
ex·tra·or·di·nary /ek-'stȯr-də-ˌner-ē, ˌek-strə-'ȯr-/ adj1 a: going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary; specif: of, relating to, or having the nature of a proceeding or action not normally required by law or not prescribed for the regular administration of lawan extraordinary session of the legislaturegranted extraordinary relief compare ordinaryb: of or relating to a financial transaction that is not expected to be repeatedan extraordinary charge against earningsan extraordinary gain2: employed for or sent on a special function or servicean ambassador extraordinary
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- extraordinary
above average, amazing, beyond the ordinary, curious, different, especial, exceeding the usual, exceptional, extraordinarius, infrequent, inusitatus, irregular, notable, noteworthy, novus, out of the ordinary, out of the regular order, outstanding, peculiar, phenomenal, rare, remarkable, singular, special, supernormal, unaccustomed, uncommon, uncustomary, unequalled, unexampled, unfamiliar, unheard of, unique, unordinary, unparalleled, unprecedented, unusual, worthy of attention, worthy of regard
associated concepts: extraordinary care, extraordinary circumstances, extraordinary expenses, extraordinary grand jury, extraordinary peril, extraordinary prerogative writ, extraordinary purpose, extraordinary remedy, extraordinary risks, extraordinary services, extraordinary session
foreign phrases:
- Ubi cessat remedlum ordlnarium, ibi decurritur ad extraordlnarium. — Where an ordinary remedy fails, than resort must be made to an extraordinary one.- Recurrendum est ad extraordlnarium quando non valet ordlnarium. — Resort must be made to the extraordinary when the ordinary does not succeed- Nunquam decurritur ad extraordlnarium sed ubi deficit ordlnarium. — Resort is never made to the extraordinary until the ordinary failsII index best, eccentric, individual, infrequent, inordinate, irregular (not usual), major, meritorious, notable, noteworthy, novel, outstanding (prominent), paramount, particular (specific), peculiar (distinctive), portentous (eliciting amazement), preferential, priceless, prodigious (amazing), rare, remarkable, renowned, salient, singular, special, stellar, sterling, unaccustomed, uncommon, unique, unprecedented, unusual
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- extraordinary
adj.Unusual, remarkable.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.