elder law

elder law
An area of law that addresses the legal needs of elderly people, including retirement benefits, estate planning, health care, and other issues.
Category: Divorce & Family Law → Elder Care & Seniors
Category: Long-Term Care: Assisted Living & Nursing Homes
Category: Medicare & Medicaid
Category: Personal Finance & Retirement → Health Care
Category: Personal Finance & Retirement → Social Security
Category: Personal Finance & Retirement → Retirement Planning
Category: Social Security Disability

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

elder law
n. A relatively recent body of law dealing with rights and privileges of the elderly, including estate matters, pensions, health issues, and Social Security.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

elder law
As of the early 2000s a relatively new specialty devoted to the legal issues of senior citizens, including estate planning, health care, planning for incapacity or mental incompetence, the receipt of benefits, and employment discrimination.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

elder law
As of the early 2000s a relatively new specialty devoted to the legal issues of senior citizens, including estate planning, health care, planning for incapacity or mental incompetence, the receipt of benefits, and employment discrimination.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

elder law
   a specialty in legal practice, covering estate planning, wills, trusts, arrangements for care, social security and retirement benefits, protection against elder abuse (physical, emotional and financial), and other concerns of older people. As more people live longer it has become an increasingly important field. (definition revised: 9/02)

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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