- investigate
in·ves·ti·gate /in-'ves-tə-ˌgāt/ vb -gat·ed, -gat·ingvt: to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry; specif: to make (a criminal suspect) the subject of inquiry and study for the purpose of establishing probable causevi: to make a systematic examination; esp: to conduct an official inquiryin·ves·ti·ga·tion /in-ˌves-tə-'gā-shən/ nin·ves·ti·ga·tion·al /-shə-nəl/ adjin·ves·ti·ga·tive /in-'ves-tə-ˌgā-tiv/ adjin·ves·ti·ga·tor /-ˌgā-tər/ nin·ves·ti·ga·to·ry /in-'ves-tə-gə-ˌtōr-ē/ adj
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- investigate
analyze, ask, cognoscere, collect facts, conduct an inquiry, consider, deliberate upon, delve into, dig into, discuss, dissect, examine, examine in detail, examine the particulars, examine with care and accuracy, explore, go into, hold an inquiry, inquire into, inquire into systematically, inspect, interrogate, look into, peer into, perscrutari, probe, pursue an inquiry, quaerere, question, reconnoiter, review, scan, scrutinize, search into, seek information regarding, study in detail, survey, take evidence, track, track mentally
associated concepts: investigate a crime, investigate charges, investigate the merits of a case
analyze, audit, canvass, check (inspect), consider, deliberate, delve, discover, examine (study), frisk, inquire, monitor, notice (observe), peruse, probe, research, review, scrutinize, search, study, trace (follow), treat (process)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- investigate
v.To examine the facts surrounding an incident as part of a formal inquiry into the matter.n.investigationadj.investigatory
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.