- legacy, specific
n.A bequest of a specific item designated by the testator.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
legacy — leg·a·cy / le gə sē/ n pl cies [Medieval Latin legatio, from Latin legare to bequeath]: a gift of property by will; specif: a gift of personal property by will: bequest see also ademption compare devise conjoint leg … Law dictionary
specific legacy — see legacy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. specific legacy … Law dictionary
specific — spe·cif·ic /spə si fik/ adj 1: relating to a particular thing 2: intended for or restricted to a particular end or object 3: being of a particularly identified kind or nature spe·cif·i·cal·ly / i klē, kə lē/ adv spec·i·fic·i·ty … Law dictionary
specific bequest — (or specific devise). A testamentary gift of specific personal property (e.g. my old rocking chair ) or of a specific amount of cash. A specific bequest (or devise) is a gift by will of a specific article or part of testator s estate, which is… … Black's law dictionary
specific legacy — noun : a bequest of a particular identifiable and existing thing or part (as a specified animal) out of a testator s estate compare general legacy * * * specific legacy A legacy of a definite thing, such as jewels, pictures, a sum of stock in the … Useful english dictionary
specific — Precisely formulated or restricted; definite; explicit; of an exact or particular nature. People v. Thomas, 25 Cal.2d 880,156 P.2d 7,17. Having a certain form or designation; observing a certain form; particular; precise; tending to specify, or… … Black's law dictionary
specific gift — England, Wales specific gift, Also known as a specific legacy. A gift of a particular asset (or assets) in a testator s estate to one or more beneficiaries in a will. For example, the following are all specific gifts: • I give the cash in my desk … Law dictionary
Legacy Games — is a try before you buy game website run by Legacy Interactive. It is a casual games portal, where users can download and try games for free before buying them. Here, users may rate and review casual games, create playlists, and read and submit… … Wikipedia
Legacy of the Wizard — North American box art. Developer(s) Nihon Falcom Quintet (FC/NES) … Wikipedia
Specific legacy — specific spe*cif ic (sp[ e]*s[i^]f [i^]k), a. [F. sp[ e]cifique, or NL. spesificus; L. species a particular sort or kind + facere to make. Cf. {specify}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a species; characterizing or constituting a species; possessing the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English