- paper profit or loss
n.Profit or loss that exists on the books but has not been converted into cash.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
paper profit or loss — An unrealized profit (or loss) on a security or other investment still held. Paper profits (or losses) become realized profits (or losses) only upon the sale of the security + paper profit Profit not yet realized as derived from an appreciation… … Black's law dictionary
paper profit — or loss An unrealized profit (or loss) on a security or other investment still held. Paper profits (or losses) become realized profits (or losses) only upon the sale of the security + paper profit Profit not yet realized as derived from an… … Black's law dictionary
paper profit — noun an unrealized gain on an investment calculated by subtracting the investor s cost from the current market price • Ant: ↑paper loss • Hypernyms: ↑gain * * * an unrealized profit due to the appreciation of something owned but not yet sold.… … Useful english dictionary
unrealized profit or loss — n. Profit or loss that has not yet been converted into actual money, existing only in principle or “on paper,” such as a rise or loss in stock prices. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… … Law dictionary
unrealized profit or loss — A profit or loss that has not yet materialized. An example of an unrealized profit would be in the appreciation of stock. Although the stock price has increased, if the stock is not sold, the profit is considered a paper profit or unrealized… … Black's law dictionary
Paper Profit (Paper Loss) — Unrealized capital gain (or capital loss) in an investment. It is calculated by comparing the market price of a security to the original purchase price. Gains or losses only become realized when the security is sold. Investors commonly justify… … Investment dictionary
paper profit — /peɪpə ˈprɒfət/ (say paypuh profuht) noun an unrealised capital gain in an investment, calculated by comparing the market price of a security to the original and now lower purchase price. Compare paper loss …
paper loss — paper profit or loss An unrealized profit (or loss) on a security or other investment still held. Paper profits (or losses) become realized profits (or losses) only upon the sale of the security + paper profit Profit not yet realized as derived… … Black's law dictionary
paper loss — noun an unrealized loss on an investment calculated by subtracting the current market price from the investor s cost • Ant: ↑paper profit • Hypernyms: ↑loss, ↑red ink, ↑red * * * paper loss, a loss existing on paper, but not yet realized. A… … Useful english dictionary
profit — Most commonly, the gross proceeds of a business transaction less the costs of the transaction; i.e. net proceeds. Excess of revenues over expenses for a transaction; sometimes used synonymously with net income for the period. Gain realized from… … Black's law dictionary