
re·ha·bil·i·tate /ˌrē-ə-'bi-lə-ˌtāt, ˌrē-hə-/ vt -tat·ed, -tat·ing
1: to restore to a former capacity; specif: to restore credibility to (a witness or testimony)
the State simply brought out all of the prior statements to qualify or explain the inconsistency and to rehabilitate the witnessPeople v. Page, 550 N.E.2d 248 (1990) compare impeach
◇ A witness whose trial testimony is inconsistent with his or her pretrial usu. sworn statements is considered impeached. Such a witness may be rehabilitated usu. on redirect examination. There are various state and federal evidentiary rules governing what evidence (as character evidence) is admissible to rehabilitate a witness.
2 a: to restore to a former state (as of good repair or solvency)
if the debtor wishes to liquidate rather than reorganize or rehabilitate the farming operation — J. H. Williamson
b: to restore (as a convicted criminal defendant) to a useful and constructive place in society through therapy, job training, and other counseling
re·ha·bil·i·ta·tion /-ˌbi-lə-'tā-shən/ n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I verb ameliorate, amend, bring back, fix, furbish, improve, make over, meliorate, mend, readjust, rebuild, reclaim, recondition, reconstitute, reconstruct, reconvert, rectify, redeem, redintegrate, reestablish, refashion, refit, refurbish, reintegrate, reinvigorate, remake, renew, renovate, repair, reproduce, restituere, restore, revamp, revive, revivify, salvage associated concepts: rehabilitate an offender, rehabilitate an insurance company II index cure, fix (repair), meliorate, reconstruct, recreate, rectify, reform, reinstate, renew (refurbish), renovate, repair, restore (renew)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

To restore a person or business to a normal level of health, freedom, reputation, dignity, finances, or other capacity; to improve the reliability of a witness whose credibility has been impeached by opposing counsel; to help a criminal improve his or her situation so as to abandon crime in the future.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • rehabilitate — re|ha|bil|i|tate [ ,rihə bılı,teıt ] verb transitive 1. ) to help someone give up drugs or alcohol, so that they can return to a healthy, independent, and useful life: The new program is aimed at rehabilitating local heroin addicts. a ) to help… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rehabilitate — transitive verb ( tated; tating) Etymology: Medieval Latin rehabilitatus, past participle of rehabilitare, from Latin re + Late Latin habilitare to habilitate Date: circa 1581 1. a. to restore to a former capacity ; reinstate b. to restore to… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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