voidable contract

voidable contract
A contract that may be legally voided by one or both parties, but that is valid until voided.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

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  • voidable contract — ➔ contract1 * * * voidable contract UK US noun [C] LAW ► a contract that has legal force when it is made but that may lose this in some situations: »The commonest example of a voidable contract is one where a party has induced the other party to… …   Financial and business terms

  • Voidable contract — A voidable contract, unlike a void contract, is a valid contract. At most, one party to the contract is bound. The unbound party may repudiate the contract, at which time the contract is void.For example, depending upon jurisdiction, a minor has… …   Wikipedia

  • Voidable Contract — A formal agreement between two parties that may be rendered unenforceable for a number of legal reasons. Reasons that can make a contract voidable include failure by one or both parties to disclose a material fact; a mistake, misrepresentation or …   Investment dictionary

  • voidable contract — A contract which, although defective so as to be avoided by one of the parties, is valid and binding until it is avoided by a disaffirmance. Williston, Contracts 3d ed § 15; Restatement, Contracts § 113; 17 Am J2d Contr § 7. The view of some… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • voidable contract — agreement in which one or both of the parties involved have the ability to cancel …   English contemporary dictionary

  • voidable — void·able / vȯi də bəl/ adj: capable of being voided; specif: subject to being declared void when one party is wronged by the other a voidable contract void·abil·i·ty /ˌvȯi də bi lə tē/ n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster.… …   Law dictionary

  • voidable — void‧a‧ble [ˈvɔɪdəbl] adjective LAW a voidable contract, agreement etc can be declared void: • The contract was voidable on the grounds of fraud. * * * voidable UK US /ˈvɔɪdəbl/ adjective LAW ► able to be made void: »A misrepresentation by one… …   Financial and business terms

  • contract — con·tract 1 / kän ˌtrakt/ n [Latin contractus from contrahere to draw together, enter into (a relationship or agreement), from com with, together + trahere to draw] 1: an agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to… …   Law dictionary

  • Voidable — Void a*ble, a. 1. Capable of being voided, or evacuated. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) Capable of being avoided, or of being adjudged void, invalid, and of no force; capable of being either avoided or confirmed. [1913 Webster] If the metropolitan …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Contract — law …   Wikipedia

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