
When a share is issued, the person applying for it must pay to the company, in cash or equivalent value, the amount of its nominal value together with any premium required by the company. Shares are fully paid when the whole amount has been received by the company (or exceptionally when the shareholder has given an undertaking to pay the whole amount). Shares may also be issued on the basis that only part of their price is to be paid at the outset with the remainder being required when called for by the company.
See also partly-paid

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  • fully paid — Where the company has received the subscription price payable in respect of a share. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010 …   Law dictionary

  • fully-paid shares — UK US noun [plural] ► FINANCE, STOCK MARKET company shares for which investors have paid the total amount at which they were sold, rather than just part of the amount: »The developer agreed to make buyers members of the management company by… …   Financial and business terms

  • fully paid rights — The rights to acquire new shares fully paid. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010 …   Law dictionary

  • fully-paid share — ➔ Share …   Financial and business terms

  • Fully Paid Shares — Shares issued in which no more money is required to be paid to the company by shareholders on the value of the shares. When a company issues shares upon incorporation or through an issuance, either initial or secondary, shareholders are required… …   Investment dictionary

  • fully paid — Applied to new issues, when the total amount payable in relation to the new shares has been paid to the company. Exchange Handbook Glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • fully-paid — /ˈfʊli peɪd / (say foolee payd) adjective 1. of or relating to shares or stock on which the face value of the capital represented has been paid in full. –noun 2. such a share or stock …  

  • fully paid — adjective of corporate shares : paid for at full face value with no further money due from the stockholder …   Useful english dictionary

  • fully paid share — A share on which the full nominal or par value has been paid by the shareholder (plus any premium). Compare: partly paid share See also: called up share capital, paid up share capital …   Accounting dictionary

  • fully paid share — A share on which the full nominal or par value has been paid by the shareholder (plus any premium). Compare partly paid share See also paid up share capital …   Big dictionary of business and management

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