process patent

process patent
A patent is granted under the Patents Act 1977 by the Patent Office to the owner or owners of an invention (the patentee) which is novel, inventive and capable of industrial application. It can cover machines, products and processes. It gives the owner the exclusive right for 20 years from application to make, use, sell, import or licence the invention that is the subject of the patent.

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  • process patent — process patent, a patent on the method of producing a product …   Useful english dictionary

  • process patent — A process patent describes and claims a new and useful method to produce a desired result or any new or useful improvement thereof. 35 U.S.C.A. No.No. 100, 101. See process …   Black's law dictionary

  • Patent prosecution — describes the interaction between an applicant, or their representative, and a patent office with regard to a patent, or an application for a patent. Broadly, patent prosecution can be split into pre grant prosecution, which involves negotiation… …   Wikipedia

  • patent claim — The portion of a patent that establishes the legal boundaries of the invention that is, the exclusive rights of the owner. Patent claims are written in a formal style and precise terminology, and they serve as the basis for any determination of… …   Law dictionary

  • patent — 1. adj /peytant/ Open; manifest; evident; unsealed. Used in this sense in such phrases as patent ambiguity, patent writ, letters patent. noun /pabtsnt/ A grant of some privilege, property, or authority, made by the government or sovereign of a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • patent — pat|ent1 [ pætnt ] noun count * an official document that gives someone who has invented something the legal right to make or sell that invention for a particular period of time, and prevents anyone else from doing so: In 1878, Edison received a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • patent — pat·ent 1 / pat ənt3 also pāt / adj [Anglo French, from Latin patent patens, from present participle of patēre to be open] 1 a: open to public inspection see also letters patent at letter 2 …   Law dictionary

  • Patent troll — is a pejorative but questioned term used for a person or company who is a non practicing inventor, and buys and enforces patents against one or more alleged infringers in a manner considered by the target or observers as unduly aggressive or… …   Wikipedia

  • Patent leather — is leather that has been given a high gloss, shiny finish. The original process was developed by Newark based inventor Mario Baker in 1818 with commercial manufacture beginning September 20, 1819. His process used a linseed oil–based lacquer… …   Wikipedia

  • process — pro·cess / prä ˌses, prō / n 1: a continuous operation, art, or method esp. in manufacture whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process...may obtain a patent therefor U.S. Code 2 a: procedure (1) see also …   Law dictionary

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