
index commission (agency), committee

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

It is generally considered appropriate to establish an occupational pension scheme by way of a trust in order to separate the scheme assets (contributions) from those of the employer (company) and to ensure that the company does not become liable for the scheme. The trust will be established by way of a trust deed, and the assets will be the responsibility of the trustees (either individuals or a corporate trustee) who must act in the best interests of the beneficiaries i.e. the scheme members and pensioners.

Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. — UK law terms.

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  • trustees — trus·tee || ‚trÊŒs tɪː n. person granted legal custodianship over property not belonging to him; one who is appointed to administer an institution (Law) v. place in the care of trustees or a trustee; grant a person or persons legal… …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • public trustees — trustees which are chosen by the public …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • honorary trustees — Trustees to preserve contingent remainders, so called because they are bound, in honor only, to decide on the most proper and prudential course …   Black's law dictionary

  • Charter trustees — In England and Wales, charter trustees are set up to maintain the continuity of a town charter or city charter after a district with the status of a borough or city has been abolished, until such time as a parish council is established. Duties… …   Wikipedia

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