- amicus curiae brief
The brief submitted by an amicus curiae. Also called amicus brief.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
amicus curiae brief — noun a brief presented by someone interested in influencing the outcome of a lawsuit but who is not a party to it • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑brief, ↑legal brief … Useful english dictionary
amicus curiae — amicus cu·ri·ae / kyu̇r ē ˌī, ku̇r , ē ˌē/ n pl amici curiae [New Latin, literally, friend of the court]: one (as an individual or organization) that is not a party to a particular lawsuit but is allowed to advise the court regarding a point of… … Law dictionary
Amicus Curiae — (auch amicus curiæ, Pl. Amici Curiae, lat.: Freund des Gerichts) bezeichnet eine Person oder eine Organisation, die sich an einem Gerichtsverfahren beteiligt, ohne selbst Partei zu sein. Diese Beteiligung kann z. B. als „Äußerung Dritter“ in … Deutsch Wikipedia
amicus curiae — /euh muy keuhs kyoor ee ee , euh mee keuhs kyoor ee uy /, pl. amici curiae /euh muy kuy kyoor ee ee , euh mee kee kyoor ee uy /. Law. a person, not a party to the litigation, who volunteers or is invited by the court to give advice upon some… … Universalium
Amicus curiae — or amicus curiæ (plural amici curiae ) is a legal Latin phrase, literally translated as friend of the court , that refers to someone, not a party to a case, who volunteers to offer information on a point of law or some other aspect of the case to … Wikipedia
brief amicus curiae — The brief submitted by an amicus curiae. Also called amicus brief. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 … Law dictionary
brief of an amicus curiae — The brief submitted by an amicus curiae. Also called amicus brief. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 … Law dictionary
amicus curiae — /amaykas kyuriyiy/smiykss kyuriyay/ Means, literally, friend of the court. A person with strong interest in or views on the subject matter of an action, but not a party to the action, may petition the court for permission to file a brief,… … Black's law dictionary
amicus curiae — /amaykas kyuriyiy/smiykss kyuriyay/ Means, literally, friend of the court. A person with strong interest in or views on the subject matter of an action, but not a party to the action, may petition the court for permission to file a brief,… … Black's law dictionary
brief — 1 n [Old French bref brief letter, writ indicating legal proceedings, from Late Latin brevis breve short document, summary, from Latin brevis, adjective, short] 1: a concise statement of a client s case written for the instruction of an attorney… … Law dictionary