Blackstone's commentaries
- Blackstone's commentaries
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law.
- Blackstone's commentaries
A series of lectures delivered by the English jurist
Sir William Blackstone at Oxford in 1753 and published as
Commentaries on the Laws of England in four volumes between 1765 and 1769, which systematized and clarified the amorphous body of
English law.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
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Blackstone — refers to various people, places and concepts.Businesses*Blackstone Group, U.S. private equity and asset management firm *Blackstone Winery, winery located in Sonoma county, California *Blackstone Technology Group, U.S. consulting, IT… … Wikipedia
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States — is a three volume work written by Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Joseph Story and published in 1833. In these Commentaries, Story defends the power of the national government and economic liberty. My object will be Story wrote,… … Wikipedia
Commentaries on the Laws of England — Title page of a 1771 American printing of Commentaries on the Laws of England by William Blackstone. The Commentaries on the Laws of England [1] are an influential 18th century treatise on the common law of … Wikipedia
Blackstone, Sir William — born July 10, 1723, London, Eng. died Feb. 14, 1780, Wallingford, Oxfordshire British jurist. Orphaned at age 12, he was educated at public school and later at Pembroke College, Oxford, at the expense of his uncle, a London surgeon. He was… … Universalium
Commentaries on the Laws of England — Commentaires sur le droit anglais Commentaries on the Law of England, édition de 1771. Auteur … Wikipédia en Français
Blackstone [2] — Blackstone (spr. Bläckstone), William, geb. 1723 in London; war seit 1746 Advocat u. seit 1753 Lehrer der Rechtswissenschaft in Oxford, wo er zuerst über die Verfassung u. Gesetzgebung Englands Vorlesungen hielt, u. 1758 Professor des gemeinen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Commentaries on the Law of England — It was widely reported that Sir William Blackstone, who wrote the Commentaries on the Law of England, the bible on the common law, sipped from a bottle of port while writing. When the bottle was empty, the day’s work was done. Nolo’s Plain… … Law dictionary
Blackstone [2] — Blackstone (spr. bläckstĕn), William, engl. Rechtsgelehrter, geb. 10. Juli 1723 in London, gest. daselbst 14. Febr. 1780, studierte im Pembroke College zu Oxford, trat 1746 als Advokat auf, fand aber keinen Beifall, weil es ihm an der nötigen… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Blackstone — (spr. bläckst n), Sir William, engl. Rechtsgelehrter, geb. 10. Juli 1723 zu London, seit 1770 Richter am königl. Gerichtshof der Common Pleas, gest. 14. Febr. 1780; seine »Commentaries on the laws of England« (4 Bde., 1765 68 u.ö.) noch jetzt… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Blackstone — (Bläckston), William, geb. 1723, gest. 1780, der beste Schriftsteller über das engl. Recht (Commentaries on english law), das er in ein übersichtliches System brachte und dessen inneren Zusammenhang er darlegte, für die Engländer um so wichtiger … Herders Conversations-Lexikon