- correlative
accordant, adapted, affiliate, affiliated, affined, affinitive, agnate, agreeing, akin, allied, amalgamated, analogous, anent, applicable, apposite, appropriate, associated, associative, belonging, cognate, coinciding, collateral, commensurable, commensurate, commutual, comparable, comparative, compatible, complemental, complementary, concerning, concordant, concurrent, conformable, congeneric, congenerous, congruent, congruous, conjoint, conjunct, conjunctive, connate, connatural, connected, connective, consentaneous, consociate, consonant, conspecific, contingent, coordinate, correspondent, corresponding, dependent, equivalent, exchangeable, fellow, fitting, germane, homological, interacting, interdependent, interlinked, interrelated, joined, linked, matched, mutual, mutually related, paired, parallel, pertaining, proportionate, reciprocal, reconcilable, related, relating to, relative, relevant, resembling, similar, suitable, suited
associated concepts: correlative rights doctrine
agreed (harmonized), akin (germane), analogous, apposite, coequal, coextensive, cognate, comparable (capable of comparison), comparative, concomitant, concordant, congruous, convertible, counterpart (complement), harmonious, incident, interlocking, interrelated, mutual (reciprocal), proportionate, reciprocal, related, relative (comparative)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- correlative
Having a reciprocal relationship in that the existence of one relationship normally implies the existence of the other.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- correlative
Having a reciprocal relationship in that the existence of one relationship normally implies the existence of the other.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.