
index crime, delict, delinquency (misconduct), fault (responsibility), misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanor, offense, transgression

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(Latin: A fault.)
An injury, an offense, or a tort—a wrong done to the property or person of another that does not involve breach of contract. Culpability; blameworthiness of a criminal nature, as in the Latin phrase in pari delicto—in equal fault or equally criminal—used to describe accomplices to a crime.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

[Latin, A fault.] An injury, an offense, or a tort—a wrong done to the property or person of another that does not involve breach of contract. Culpability; blameworthiness of a criminal nature, as in the Latin phrase in pari delicto—in equal fault or equally criminal—used to describe accomplices to a crime.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Delictum —    • Delictum,          проступок не против государства (в этом случае это называется crimen, а также crimen publicum), но против частного лица (напр., грабеж, воровство, оскорбление), дающий потерпевшему право преследовать виновного гражданским… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Delictum — (lat.), Verbrechen; z.B. D. manifestum, handhafte That; D. universitatis, ein Vergehen von einer Gemeinheit, Corporation, Geseñschast begangen; Delicta nomināta u. D. innomināta, s. u. Amtsverbrechen I …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Delictum — (lat.), Verbrechen. Im kanonischen Recht nannte man D. ecclesiasticum (z. B. Apostasie, Häresie, Simonie) eine Straftat, für die nur das geistliche, D. saeculare, für die nur das weltliche, D. mixtum (z. B. Blasphemie, Ehebruch, Konkubinat, Magie …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Delictum — (Delikt, lat.), Verbrechen, Vergehen; nach Deutschem Bürgerl. Gesetzb. § 823 fg. eine unerlaubte Handlung, die den Täter zum Schadenersatz verpflichtet. Deliktsklage, die Schadenersatzklage des durch eine unerlaubte Handlung Verletzten gegen den… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • delictum — /dsliktsm/ A delict, tort, wrong, injury, or offense. Actions ex delicto are such as are founded on a tort, as distinguished from actions on contract. Culpability, blameworthiness, or legal delinquency. The word occurs in this sense in the maxim …   Black's law dictionary

  • delictum — /dsliktsm/ A delict, tort, wrong, injury, or offense. Actions ex delicto are such as are founded on a tort, as distinguished from actions on contract. Culpability, blameworthiness, or legal delinquency. The word occurs in this sense in the maxim …   Black's law dictionary

  • delictum — de·lic·tum …   English syllables

  • delictum — A wrongful act; a tortious act; a criminal act; a misdemeanor. See 3 Bl Comm 117. See actions ex delicto; ex delicto …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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