fire statute

fire statute
In admiralty law (See admiralty and maritime law), a federal law that exempts the owner of a vessel from liability to any person for loss of, or damage to, merchandise shipped, taken in, or put on board such vessel as a result of a fire, unless the fire was intentionally or negligently caused by the owner.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

fire statute
In admiralty law, a federal law that exempts the owner of a vessel from liability to any person for loss of, or damage to, merchandise shipped, taken in, or put on board such vessel as a result of a fire, unless the fire was intentionally or negligently caused by the owner.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • fire sale — Sale of merchandise at reduced prices because of damage by fire or water; commonly, any sale at reduced prices, especially one brought about by an emergency. Fire sales are often regulated by statute or ordinance to protect the public buyer from… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • New Zealand Fire Service — Motto: Service to the People Established 1 April 1976 Staffing 524 management and support 76 communications centre …   Wikipedia

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