inquisitorial system

inquisitorial system
A method of legal practice in which the judge endeavors to discover facts while simultaneously representing the interests of the state in a trial.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

inquisitorial system
A method of legal practice in which the judge endeavors to discover facts while simultaneously representing the interests of the state in a trial.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • Inquisitorial system — Not to be confused with Inquisition, a system of Catholic religious courts. An inquisitorial system is a legal system where the court or a part of the court is actively involved in investigating the facts of the case, as opposed to an adversarial …   Wikipedia

  • inquisitorial system — так называемая инквизиционная система ведения арбитражного процесса, при которой состав арбитража по собственной инициативе устанавливает имеющие значение для дела факты; антитеза состязательной системы (adversarial system). Для международного… …   Glossary of international commercial arbitration

  • inquisitorial — UK US /ɪnkwɪzɪˈtɔːriəl/ adjective LAW ► relating to a legal process in which the judge asks the questions in order to get the facts before making a decision: »Suggestions of moving to an inquisitorial system weren t popular with judges who would… …   Financial and business terms

  • inquisitorial procedure — ▪ law       in law, one of the two methods of exposing evidence in court (the other being the adversary procedure; q.v.). The inquisitorial system is typical of countries that base their legal systems on civil or Roman law.       Under the… …   Universalium

  • inquisitorial — in·qui·si·to·ri·al /in ˌkwi zə tōr ē əl/ adj 1: constituting or relating to a system of justice in which the judge conducts an inquiry developing the facts of the litigant s case compare accusatorial, adversary 2: having the aut …   Law dictionary

  • inquisitorial — /ɪnˌkwɪzəˈtɔriəl/ (say in.kwizuh tawreeuhl) adjective 1. relating to an inquisitor or inquisitors, or to inquisition. 2. exercising the office of an inquisitor. 3. Law a. relating to the system, as in countries following the Napoleonic Code, in… …  

  • Adversarial system — The adversarial system (or adversary system) of law is the system of law, generally adopted in common law countries, that relies on the skill of each advocate representing his or her party s positions and involves an impartial person, usually a… …   Wikipedia

  • Criminal justice system of Japan — Three basic features of Japan s system of criminal justice characterize its operations. First, the institutions police, government prosecutor s offices, courts, and correctional organs maintain close and cooperative relations with each other,… …   Wikipedia

  • Judicial system of Iran — قوه فضاییه جمهوری اسلامی ایران The main building of Judicial system of Iran in Tehran. Established 1979(modern) 1905(history) …   Wikipedia

  • adversary system — The jurisprudential network of laws, rules and procedures characterized by opposing parties who contend against each other for a result favorable to themselves. In such system, the judge acts as an independent magistrate rather than prosecutor;… …   Black's law dictionary

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