ad curiam

ad curiam
Before the court; to the court.

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  • Per curiam decision — In law, a per curiam decision (or opinion or per curiam) is a ruling issued by an appellate court with multiple judges in which the decision rendered was made by the court acting as a whole.cite book|title=Black s Law Dictionary|editor=Bryan A.… …   Wikipedia

  • per curiam — per cu·ri·am /pər kyu̇r ē ˌäm, ku̇r , əm/ adv or adj [Latin, by the court]: by the court as a whole rather than by a single justice and usu. without extended discussion a per curiam affirmance Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …   Law dictionary

  • 2003 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States — The Supreme Court of the United States handed down seven per curiam opinions during its 2003 term, which lasted from October 6, 2003 until October 3, 2004. These were all decisions in which the Court either dismissed a writ of certiorari as… …   Wikipedia

  • 2000 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States — The Supreme Court of the United States handed down nine per curiam opinions during its 2000 term, which began on October 2, 2000, and which ended on September 30, 2001.[1] Because per curiam decisions are issued from the Court as an institution,… …   Wikipedia

  • 2009 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States — The Supreme Court of the United States handed down nineteen per curiam opinions during its 2009 term, which began on October 5, 2009, and concluded October 3, 2010.[1] Because per curiam decisions are issued from the Court as an institution,… …   Wikipedia

  • 2005 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States — The Supreme Court of the United States handed down sixteen per curiam opinions during its 2005 term, which lasted from October 3, 2005 until October 1, 2006.[1] Because per curiam decisions are issued from the Court as an institution, these… …   Wikipedia

  • 2004 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States — The Supreme Court of the United States handed down six per curiam opinions during its 2004 term, which lasted from October 4, 2004 until October 3, 2005. These were all decisions in which the Court either dismissed a writ of certiorari as… …   Wikipedia

  • 2002 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States — The Supreme Court of the United States handed down twelve per curiam opinions during its 2002 term, which lasted from October 7, 2002, until October 5, 2003.[1] Because per curiam decisions are issued from the Court as an institution, these… …   Wikipedia

  • 2008 term per curiam opinions of the Supreme Court of the United States — The Supreme Court of the United States handed down nine per curiam opinions during its 2008 term, which began on October 6, 2008 and concluded October 4, 2009.[1] Because per curiam decisions are issued from the Court as an institution, these… …   Wikipedia

  • Per curiam — Un jugement per curiam est un jugement rendu par une cour où la décision est unanime (ou parfois majoritaire) et l auteur n est pas connu. Cette expression est utilisée généralement dans les traditions juridiques anglo saxonnes où les juges des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • per curiam — adverb or adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin per curiam, literally, by the court Date: 1685 by the court as a whole rather than by a single justice and usually without extended discussion < a per curiam decision > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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