- contra pacem
Against the peace.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
contra pacem — /kontra peysam/ Against the peace. A phrase used in the Latin forms of indictments, and also of actions for trespass, to signify that the offense alleged was committed against the public peace, i.e., involved a breach of the peace. The full… … Black's law dictionary
contra pacem — /kontra peysam/ Against the peace. A phrase used in the Latin forms of indictments, and also of actions for trespass, to signify that the offense alleged was committed against the public peace, i.e., involved a breach of the peace. The full… … Black's law dictionary
contra pacem — |kän.trə|pä(ˌ)kem, pāsəm adverb (or adjective) Etymology: Medieval Latin : against the peace used of a legal allegation once material in prosecution for trespass but now purely formal * * * contra pacem /konˈtrə pāˈsem or päˈchem, or konˈträ… … Useful english dictionary
contra pacem — against the peace … Dictionary of difficult words
contra pacem — Against the peace … Ballentine's law dictionary
contra pacem domini — Against the peace of the king. At common law all crimes were treated as being against the king s peace. See 1 Bl Comm 166 … Ballentine's law dictionary
contra pacem regis — Against the peace of the king. Any public offense which was committed within the kingdom of England was said to be committed against the king s peace. Commonwealth v Macloon, 101 Mass 1 … Ballentine's law dictionary
contra pacem vice-comitis — Against the peace of the sheriff. That is, against the peace of the sheriff s court in which the offense was tried. See 1 Bl Comm 117 … Ballentine's law dictionary
contra paccm ballivorum — Against the peace of the bailiffs. By the ancient law, in all peculiar jurisdictions, offenses were said to be committed against the peace of the court in which they were tried and if they were tried in the court of a corporation they were contra … Ballentine's law dictionary
indictment de felony est contra pacem domini regis, coronam et dignitatem suam, in genere et non in individuo; quia in Anglia non est interregnum — /indaytmant diy felaniy est kontra peysam domanay riyjas, karownam et dignateytam s(y)uwam, in jeneriy et non in indavidyuwow, kwaya in abrjgliya non est intaregnam/ Indictment for felony is against the peace of our lord the king, his crown and… … Black's law dictionary