mutual assent

mutual assent
index agreement (concurrence), arrangement (understanding)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

mutual assent
A meeting of the minds; agreement.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • mutual assent — The meeting of the minds of both or all the parties to a contract; the fact that each agrees to all the terms and conditions, in the same sense and with the same meaning as the others …   Black's law dictionary

  • mutual assent — The meeting of the minds of both or all the parties to a contract; the fact that each agrees to all the terms and conditions, in the same sense and with the same meaning as the others …   Black's law dictionary

  • mutual assent — A meeting of the minds; consent. 17 Am J2d Contr § 18. Agreement. Martin v Thrower, 3 Ga App 784, 60 SE 825 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • assent — as·sent 1 /ə sent/ vi: to agree to something esp. freely and with understanding: give one s assent assent 2 n: agreement to a matter under consideration esp. based on freedom of choice and a reasonable knowledge of the matter their mutual assent… …   Law dictionary

  • mutual — Common to both parties. Interchangeable; reciprocal; each acting in return or correspondence to the other; given and received; spoken of an engagement or relation in which like duties and obligations are exchanged; e.g., the marital relation. As… …   Black's law dictionary

  • mutual — Common to both parties. Interchangeable; reciprocal; each acting in return or correspondence to the other; given and received; spoken of an engagement or relation in which like duties and obligations are exchanged; e.g., the marital relation. As… …   Black's law dictionary

  • assent — Compliance; approval of something done; a declaration of willingness to do something in compliance with a request; acquiescence; agreement. To approve, ratify and confirm. It implies a conscious approval of facts actually known, as distinguished… …   Black's law dictionary

  • assent — Compliance; approval of something done; a declaration of willingness to do something in compliance with a request; acquiescence; agreement. To approve, ratify and confirm. It implies a conscious approval of facts actually known, as distinguished… …   Black's law dictionary

  • assent — Consent by one person to what another person has done or what he agrees to do. An element of a contract, but objective in its manifestation, a matter of overt acts, not of inward motives, design, or interpretation of words. Sokoloff v National… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • mutual understanding — Synonyms and related words: acclamation, accord, accordance, agreement, agreement of all, chorus, common assent, common consent, compact, concert, concord, concordance, concurrence, consensus, consensus gentium, consensus of opinion, consensus… …   Moby Thesaurus

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