rebut evidence

rebut evidence
disproving other evidence previously given or reestablishing the credibility of challenged evidence. (See rejoinder.)

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  • rebut — re·but /ri bət/ vt re·but·ted, re·but·ting [Anglo French reboter rebuter to answer a charge, bar from an action, literally, to repulse, rebuff, from Old French reboter, from re back + boter to push, butt]: to refute, counteract, or disprove (as… …   Law dictionary

  • evidence — ev·i·dence 1 / e və dəns, ˌdens/ n [Medieval Latin evidentia, from Latin, that which is obvious, from evident evidens clear, obvious, from e out of, from + videns, present participle of videre to see]: something that furnishes or tends to furnish …   Law dictionary

  • rebut — In pleading and evidence, to defeat, refute, or take away the effect of something. When a plaintiff in an action produces evidence which raises a presumption of the defendant s liability, and the defendant adduces evidence which shows that the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Evidence (law) — The law of evidence governs the use of testimony (e.g., oral or written statements, such as an affidavit) and exhibits (e.g., physical objects) or other documentary material which is admissible (i.e., allowed to be considered by the trier of fact …   Wikipedia

  • rebut — rebuttable, adj. /ri but /, v., rebutted, rebutting. v.t. 1. to refute by evidence or argument. 2. to oppose by contrary proof. v.i. 3. to provide some evidence or argument that refutes or opposes. [1250 1300; ME reb(o)uten < OF rebouter, equiv.… …   Universalium

  • rebut — re•but [[t]rɪˈbʌt[/t]] v. but•ted, but•ting 1) to refute by evidence or argument 2) to oppose by contrary proof 3) to provide some evidence or argument that refutes or opposes • Etymology: 1250–1300; ME reb(o) uten < OF rebouter=re re +bouter… …   From formal English to slang

  • rebut — v. a. 1. Repel, rebuff, drive back. 2. Repel (by argument or by evidence), confute, refute, disprove, show the fallacy of …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • rebut — /rəˈbʌt / (say ruh but) verb (t) (rebutted, rebutting) 1. to refute by evidence or argument. 2. to oppose by contrary proof. {Middle English rebute(n), from Anglo French reboter, from re re + boter butt3 (verb) –rebuttable, adjective …  

  • rebut — (rebutted, rebutting) 1 refute or disprove (evidence or a charge). 2 force or turn back; check. Derivatives: rebutment n. rebuttable adj. rebuttal n. Etymology: ME f. AF rebuter, OF rebo(u)ter (as RE , BUTT(1)) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Federal Rules of Evidence — The Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) govern the admission of facts by which parties in the federal courts of the United States may prove their cases. They were the product of protracted academic, legislative, and judicial examination before they… …   Wikipedia

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