above average

above average
index extraordinary, superior (excellent)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • above-average — UK US (also above average) adjective ► higher or better than the usual amount or level: above average pay/rate/income »We believe in above average pay to attract above average people. above average yield/growth/performance »We expect to see… …   Financial and business terms

  • above average — adjective Better than average. Ant: below average …   Wiktionary

  • above average — higher than the norm …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Antenna height above average terrain — In telecommunication, antenna height above average terrain is the antenna height above the average terrain elevations from 3.2 to 16 kilometers (2 to 10 miles) from the antenna for the eight directions spaced evenly for each 45° of azimuth… …   Wikipedia

  • Height above average terrain — (HAAT) (or less popularly, EHAAT, Effective Height Above Average Terrain) is used extensively in FM radio and television, as it is actually much more important than effective radiated power (ERP) in determining the range of broadcasts (VHF and… …   Wikipedia

  • Slightly Above Average — Remember The Alamo, formerly Slightly Above Average, are a Dundee based pop rock band, formed in 2005. They are known for their upbeat melodic stylings, with a distinctly rock tinged edge to them. Apparent influences include bands such as Weezer… …   Wikipedia

  • Height above average terrain — Die Effektive Antennenhöhe (kurz: Effektive Höhe, englisch: Effective Antenna Height) ist die Höhe des Antennenmittelpunktes über dem mittleren Geländeniveau zwischen 3 km und 15 km Entfernung in die zur Berechnung der Wellenausbreitung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • antenna height above average terrain — vidutinis antenos aukštis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. antenna height above average terrain vok. mittlere Antennenhöhe, f rus. средняя высота антенны, f pranc. altitude moyenne de l antenne, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • height above average terrain — noun the height of a radio transmitter, including the antenna, as compared to the average terrain height in the surrounding area between three and sixteen kilometers from the antenna site …   Wiktionary

  • above par — above average, beyond what is expected …   English contemporary dictionary

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