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iureiurando adfirmare — index swear Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
affirm — af·firm /ə fərm/ vt 1: to assert as true or factual 2: to assert (as a judgment) as valid or confirmed affirm ed the lower court s ruling compare remand, reverse … Law dictionary
swear — vb swore, sworn, swear·ing [Old English swerian] vt 1: to utter or take solemnly swear an oath 2 a: to assert as true or promise under oath a sworn affidavit … Law dictionary
maintain — I (carry on) verb adfirmare, confirmare, contendere, continue, follow up, go on, keep alive, keep going, keep on, keep up, perpetuate, persevere, persist, proceed with, prolong, pursue, shore up, stick to II (commence) verb activate, b … Law dictionary
assert — as·sert /ə sərt/ vt: to present and demand recognition of assert a claim as·ser·tion /ə sər shən/ n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
contend — I (dispute) verb altercate, argue, battle, be discordant, bicker, brawl, carry on an argument, challenge, clash, combat, compete, conflict, contendere, contest, contradict, decernere, differ, disaccord, disagree, discept, discord, dissent,… … Law dictionary
SUPERHUMERALE — Hebr. Ephod, inter indumenta octo anrea erat, quibus Sacerdos olim Summus apud Hebraeos ornatus, quottidie in Sanctuario ministrabat, et quidem inter quatuor illa, quae Pontifici propria fuêre. Fuit illud ex auro, hyacinthino et purpureo et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale