advancement of knowledge
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Knowledge building — theory was created and developed by Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia in order to describe what a community of learners need to accomplish in order to create knowledge. The theory address the need to educate people for the knowledge age… … Wikipedia
Knowledge of Jesus Christ — • Knowledge of Jesus Christ, as used in this article, does not mean a summary of what we know about Jesus Christ, but a survey of the intellectual endowment of Christ Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Knowledge of Jesus Christ … Catholic encyclopedia
Knowledge Building — Die Theorie des Wissensaufbaus bzw. theory of knowledge building beschreibt eine Form des konstruktivistischen Lernens: Der Lernende wird aktiver Teil einer Lerngemeinschaft , die ein kollektives Wissen generiert, das jedem einzelnen Mitglied… … Deutsch Wikipedia
advancement — ad•vance•ment [[t]ædˈvæns mənt, ˈvɑns [/t]] n. 1) an act of advancing or moving forward 2) promotion in rank or standing 3) furtherance; improvement: the advancement of knowledge[/ex] 4) law Law. money or property given by a person during his or… … From formal English to slang
Advancement and recognition in the Boy Scouts of America — is a tradition dating from the inception of the Scouting movement. A fundamental purpose of advancement is the self confidence a young man or woman acquires from his participation in Scouting. Advancement is one of the methods used in the Aims of … Wikipedia
Knowledge Management — (KM) comprises a range of practices used by organisations to identify, create, represent, distribute and enable adoption of what it knows, and how it knows it. It has been an established discipline since 1995 [Stankosky, 2005] with a body of… … Wikipedia
Knowledge management — (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. Such insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in… … Wikipedia
Advancement of Sound Science Center — The Advancement of Sound Science Center (TASSC), formerly the Advancement of Sound Science Coalition, is an industry funded lobby group which promotes the idea that environmental science on issues including smoking, pesticides and global warming… … Wikipedia
Knowledge organization — NOTE: This page must be disambiguated. In some places, knowledge organization refers to an actual organization, that is a management company or institution. At other times, it refers to the act of organizing knowledge. The later concept,… … Wikipedia
advancement — money or property given to a person by the deceased before death and intended as an advance against the beneficiary s share in the will. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * advancement UK US /ədˈvɑːnsmənt/ noun ► [C or U] an improvement relating … Financial and business terms