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  • Agnate — Ag nate, a. [L. agnatus, p. p. of agnasci to be born in addition to; ad + nasci (for gnasci) to be born. Cf. {Adnate}.] 1. Related or akin by the father s side; also, sprung from the same male ancestor; as, agnate brother: a brother having the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • agnate — AGNÁTE Clasă de vertebrate acvatice fără maxilarul inferior; agnatostomi; (la sg.) animal din această clasă. [sg. agnată. / < fr. agnathes, cf. gr. a – fără, gnathos – falcă]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN  AGNÁTE s. f …   Dicționar Român

  • agnate — agnate, agnation In Roman law, agnati were a group of males and females who were related through a common ancestor, and thus came under a single family authority. The modern use in social anthropology relates to patrilineal (or male) descent, but …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Agnate — Ag nate, n. [Cf. F. agnat.] (Civil Law) A relative whose relationship can be traced exclusively through males. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • agnate — [ag′nāt΄] n. [L agnatus < pp. of agnasci, to be born in addition to < ad , to + nasci, to be born: see GENUS] a relative through male descent or on the father s side adj. 1. related through male descent or on the father s side 2. akin… …   English World dictionary

  • agnate — ● agnat, agnate adjectif et nom (latin agnatus, de agnasci, naître à côté de) Se dit des personnes qui, descendant d une même souche masculine, appartiennent à la même famille. ● agnat, agnate (synonymes) adjectif et nom (latin agnatus, de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • agnate — 1. noun a) A relative whose relation is traced only through male members of the family. :: A great grandfather is an agnate if he is your father’s father’s father. b) Any paternal male relative. Ant: enate 2 …   Wiktionary

  • agnate chiefly Law — [ agneɪt] noun a person descended from the same male ancestor as another, especially through the male line. adjective descended from the same male ancestor. Compare with cognate (in sense 2). Derivatives agnatic natɪk adjective agnation noun Ori …   English new terms dictionary

  • agnate brother — sibling sib ling [sub + ling.] (s[i^]b l[i^]ng), n. a brother or a sister. Note: Siblings have at least one parent in common. Those related only by a common mother are {uterine siblings}; those related only by a common father are {agnate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • agnate siblings — sibling sib ling [sub + ling.] (s[i^]b l[i^]ng), n. a brother or a sister. Note: Siblings have at least one parent in common. Those related only by a common mother are {uterine siblings}; those related only by a common father are {agnate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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