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  • Amusing — A*mus ing, a. Giving amusement; diverting; as, an amusing story. {A*mus ing*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • amusing — amusing; un·amusing; …   English syllables

  • amusing — (adj.) c.1600, cheating; prp. adjective from AMUSE (Cf. amuse) (v.). Sense of interesting is from 1712; that of pleasantly entertaining, tickling to the fancy is from 1826. Noted late 1920s as a vogue word. Amusive has been tried in all senses… …   Etymology dictionary

  • amusing — [adj] entertaining, funny agreeable, boffo*, camp, campy, charming, cheerful, cheering, comical, cut up*, delightful, diverting, droll, enchanting, engaging, enjoyable, entertaining, for grins*, fun, gladdening, gratifying, gut busting*, humorous …   New thesaurus

  • amusing — [ə myo͞o′ziŋ] adj. 1. entertaining; diverting 2. causing laughter or mirth SYN. FUNNY amusingly adv …   English World dictionary

  • amusing — adj. 1) highly amusing 2) amusing to (it was amusing to everyone) 3) amusing to + inf. (it was amusing to watch the trained elephants perform) * * * [ə mjuːzɪŋ] highly amusing amusing to (it was amusing to everyone) amusing to + inf. (it was… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • amusing — a|mus|ing [əˈmju:zıŋ] adj funny and entertaining ▪ I don t find his jokes at all amusing . ▪ a highly amusing (=very amusing) film an amusing story/anecdote/incident etc ▪ The book is full of amusing stories about his childhood. mildly/vaguely… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • amusing — amusingly, adv. amusingness, n. /euh myooh zing/, adj. 1. pleasantly entertaining or diverting: an amusing speaker. 2. causing laughter or mirth; humorously entertaining: an amusing joke. [1590 1600; AMUSE + ING2] Syn. 1. charming, cheering,… …   Universalium

  • amusing — adj. VERBS ▪ be, sound ▪ find sth, think sth ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc …   Collocations dictionary

  • amusing — a•mus•ing [[t]əˈmyu zɪŋ[/t]] adj. 1) pleasantly entertaining or diverting 2) causing laughter or mirth: an amusing joke[/ex] • Etymology: 1590–1600 a•mus′ing•ly, adv. a•mus′ing•ness, n. syn: amusing, comical, droll describe that which causes… …   From formal English to slang

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