arbitrate terms
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arbitrate — ar·bi·trate / är bə ˌtrāt/ vb trat·ed, trat·ing vt 1: to act as arbitrator for 2: to bring to arbitration for settlement agreed to arbitrate their dispute vi: to act as arbitrator ar·bi·tra·tive / ˌ … Law dictionary
arbitrate — [v] achieve settlement adjudge, adjudicate, adjust, bring to terms, come to school, come to terms, conciliate, decide, determine, hammer out a deal*, interpose, intervene, judge, make a deal, mediate, meet halfway, negotiate, parley, pass… … New thesaurus
arbitrate — I (Roget s IV) v. Syn. settle peacefully, adjust differences, smooth out, reconcile, employ diplomacy, bring before a referee, hear both sides, act as arbiter, referee, parley, placate, bring to terms, decide between opposing parties, intervene,… … English dictionary for students
arbitrate — Synonyms and related words: act between, adjudge, adjudicate, appease, bargain, go between, hear, hold court, hold the scales, intercede, intermediate, interpose, intervene, judge, make terms, mediate, meet halfway, moderate, negotiate, officiate … Moby Thesaurus
arbitrate — v 1. decide, determine, settle; judge, adjudge, adjudicate, pronounce or pass judgment, decree, sentence; umpire, referee, Inf. ref; try, hear. 2. mediate, intervene, interpose, step in, come between; negotiate, bargain, bring to terms, parley,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
bring to terms — index accommodate, arbitrate (conciliate), arrange (methodize), beat (defeat), intercede … Law dictionary
talk terms — verb discuss the terms of an arrangement (Freq. 1) They negotiated the sale of the house • Syn: ↑negociate, ↑negotiate • Derivationally related forms: ↑negotiable (for: ↑negotia … Useful english dictionary
dicker — dick·er / di kər/ vi dick·ered, dick·er·ing: to seek to arrive at a workable and agreeable arrangement by negotiating and haggling Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. dicker … Law dictionary
Arbitration in the United States of America — Arbitration, in the context of United States law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution mdash; specifically, a legal alternative to litigation whereby the parties to a dispute agree to submit their respective positions (through agreement or … Wikipedia
Contract — law … Wikipedia