as though it were

as though it were
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  • as though it were going out of fashion — (informal) To do something with extra vigour or enthusiasm, fast and furiously, as though for the last time ● fashion …   Useful english dictionary

  • though — [ ðou ] function word *** Though can be used in the following ways: as a conjunction (connecting two clauses or phrases): Though she was very tired, she could not sleep. as a way of showing how a sentence is related to what has already been said… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • though — though1 W1S1 [ðəu US ðou] conj 1.) used to introduce a statement that makes the main statement coming after it seem surprising, unlikely, or unexpected = ↑although ▪ Though she s almost 40, she still plans to compete. ▪ Pascal went ahead with the …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • though */*/*/ — I UK [ðəʊ] / US [ðoʊ] adverb, conjunction 1) a) used for introducing a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising Though we are only a small country, we have a long and glorious history. The journey, though difficult, involved no… …   English dictionary

  • though*/*/*/ — [ðəʊ] adv, conjunction 1) used for introducing a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising Syn: although Though we are only a small country, we have a long and glorious history.[/ex] He went on fighting even though he was… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • were — [[t]wə(r), STRONG wɜː(r)[/t]] 1) Were is the plural and the second person singular of the past tense of be. 2) Were is sometimes used instead of was in certain structures, for example in conditional clauses or after the verb wish . [FORMAL] He… …   English dictionary

  • Though — ([th][=o]), conj. [OE. thogh, [thorn]ah, AS. [eth]e[ a]h, [eth][=ae]h, [eth][=e]h; akin to OS. th[=o]h, OFries. thach, D. & G. doch but, yet, OHG. doh but, yet though, Icel. [thorn][=o] yet, nevertheless, Sw. dock, Dan. dog, Goth. [thorn][ a]uh,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Were-worms —  / Were worm / Wereworms / Wereworm    Mysterious denizens of the Last Desert.    Creatures of an unknown kind, possibly mythical and presumably related to dragons, that were said to dwell in the Last Desert.    Tolkien only ever mentions were… …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

  • though — 1 conjunction 1 used to introduce a statement that makes the other main statement seem surprising or unlikely: Though he was only twelve he could run faster than any kid in the school. | though old/tired etc: His childhood, though poverty… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • though — ♦ (Pronounced [[t]ðoʊ[/t]] for meanings 1 and 2, and [[t]ðo͟ʊ[/t]] for meanings 3 to 5.) 1) CONJ SUBORD You use though to introduce a statement in a subordinate clause which contrasts with the statement in the main clause. You often use though to …   English dictionary

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