- legal age
legal age n: an age at which a person becomes entitled under the law to engage in a particular activity or becomes responsible for particular actsthe legal age for drinking in this state; broadly: age of majority compare age of consent, emancipate
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- legal age
n.The age at which a person can enter into contracts and conduct business on his or her own behalf, or the age at which a person can marry; majority.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- legal age
The age of legal majority, at which a person becomes responsible for his or her own actions. In almost all states the basic legal age is 18. State laws vary as to legal age for drinking or buying alcoholic beverages, marriage with or without parental consent, driving, prosecution for crimes, the right to choose an abortion, and liability for damages.Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- legal age
The time of life at which a person acquires full capacity to make his or her own contracts and deeds and to transact business or to enter into some particular contract or relation, such as marriage.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- legal age
The time of life at which a person acquires full capacity to make his or her own contracts and deeds and to transact business or to enter into some particular contract or relation, such as marriage.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- legal age
n.the age at which a person is responsible for his/her own actions (including the capacity to enter into a contract which is enforceable by the other party), for damages for negligence or intentional wrongs without a parent being liable and for punishment as an adult for a crime. In almost all states the basic legal age is 18, which is the universal American voting age under the 26th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1971. The national legal age for drinking or buying alcoholic beverages is 21. Marriage with or without parental consent, driving, prosecution for crimes, the right to choose an abortion and liability for damages vary from state to state.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.