batch together

batch together
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  • batch — [bætʆ] noun 1. [countable] a group of similar things or people arriving or being dealt with at the same time: • the process of indexing each new batch of documents 2. [countable] a quantity of food, goods, work etc prepared or produced at the… …   Financial and business terms

  • batch — [bætʃ] n [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: From an unrecorded Old English bAcce something baked , from bacan; BAKE] 1.) a group of people or things that arrive or are dealt with together batch of ▪ Every day another batch of papers reaches the manager… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • batch — ► NOUN 1) a quantity of goods produced or dispatched at one time. 2) a quantity of loaves or rolls baked together. 3) Computing a group of records processed as a single unit. ► VERB ▪ arrange in batches. ORIGIN Old English, related to BAKE(Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • batch — batch1 /bach/, n. 1. a quantity or number coming at one time or taken together: a batch of prisoners. 2. the quantity of material prepared or required for one operation: mixing a batch of concrete. 3. the quantity of bread, cookies, dough, or the …   Universalium

  • batch — 1. noun /bætʃ/ a) The quantity of bread or other baked goods baked at one time. We made a batch of cookies to take to the party. b) A quantity of anything produced at one operation. We poured a bucket of water in top, and the ice maker spit out a …   Wiktionary

  • batch — I [[t]bætʃ[/t]] n. 1) a quantity or number coming at one time or taken together; group; lot: a batch of prisoners[/ex] 2) the quantity of bread, dough, etc., made at one baking: a batch of cookies[/ex] 3) the quantity of material prepared or… …   From formal English to slang

  • batch — /bætʃ/ noun 1. a group of items which are made at one time ● This batch of shoes has the serial number 25–02. 2. a group of documents which are processed at the same time ● Today’s batch of invoices is ready to be mailed. ● The accountant signed… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • batch — A measure of production often used if the individual units of production are small or homogeneous. In this case the costs of production are best expressed per batch, by combining a specified number of units together to form a batch. This method… …   Accounting dictionary

  • batch — I. noun Etymology: Middle English bache; akin to Old English bacan to bake Date: 15th century 1. the quantity baked at one time ; baking 2. a. the quantity of material prepared or required for one operation; specifically a mixture of raw… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • batch costing — A form of costing in which the unit costs are expressed on the basis of a batch produced. This is particularly appropriate where the cost per unit of production would result in an infinitesimal unit cost and where homogeneous units of production… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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