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benevolent — 1 *charitable, philanthropic, eleemosynary, humanitarian, humane, altruistic Analogous words: benign, benignant, kindly, *kind: generous, *liberal, bountiful, bounteous, openhanded: obliging, complaisant, *amiable Antonyms: malevolent Contrasted… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Benevolent — Be*nev o*lent, a. [L. benevolens, entis; bene well (adv. of bonus good) + volens, p. pr. of volo I will, I wish. See {Bounty}, and {Voluntary}.] Having a disposition to do good; possessing or manifesting love to mankind, and a desire to promote… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Benevolent Dictator For Life — or BDFL is a title given to a small number of open source software development leaders. The term originally referred only to Guido van Rossum, creator of the Python programming language. It should not be confused with the more common term for… … Wikipedia
Benevolent Dictator For Life — ██████████ … Wikipédia en Français
benevolent — I adjective accommodating, affable, agreeable, altruistic, amiable, amicable, bearing good will, beneficient, benevolus, benign, big hearted, bounteous, bountiful, charitable, complacent, condolent, considerate, cooperative, cordial, decent,… … Law dictionary
Benevolent assimilation — was a proclamation issued on December 21, 1898 by U.S. President William McKinley to the Philippines. [ [ McKinley s Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation] ] The proclamation was later watered down,… … Wikipedia
Benevolent Dictator for Life — (BDFL) (deutsch wohlwollender Diktator auf Lebenszeit) ist eine Bezeichnung für eine Person mit der leitenden Rolle in einem Freie Software Projekt mit einer Organisationsstruktur, bei der bezeichnenderweise in wichtigen Entscheidungen de… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Benevolent Dictator for Life — (BDFL) est le surnom donné à une personne respectée de la communauté de développement open source qui définit des orientations générales d un projet donné. Il signifie littéralement Bienveillant dictateur à vie. Ce nom est un jeu de mots entre… … Wikipédia en Français
Benevolent Dictator for Life — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL) es un título informal que se otorga a ciertos individuos de la comunidad de desarrolladores de software de código abierto que tienen la tarea de asignar las directrices generales y … Wikipedia Español
Benevolent neutrality — is a term used by Ernest May to describe United States foreign policy regarding involvement in World War I. It is distinct from strict neutrality because America had some favorable policies towards the Allies; for example, generally favorable… … Wikipedia
bénévolent — ⇒BÉNÉVOLENT, ENTE, adj. Rare, littér. vieilli. [En parlant d une pers. ou de l expression hum.] Qui se montre bienveillant, d une bonté indulgente : • 1. ... il semblait qu une similitude d âge et de cœur réunît dans le groupe des goûts anciens M … Encyclopédie Universelle