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  • Operation Overlord — Teil von: Zweiter Weltkrieg, Westfront …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • opération — [ ɔperasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIIe « ouvrage, travail »; lat. operatio 1 ♦ Action d un pouvoir, d une fonction, d un organe qui produit un effet selon sa nature. Les opérations de la digestion. « La mémoire est nécessaire pour toutes les opérations de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Operation Varsity — Part of Operation Plunder C 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Smile — Formation 1982 Type Not for profit corporation Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Payback — is a coordinated,[1] decentralized[2] group of attacks on opponents of Internet piracy by Internet activists using the Anonymous moniker a group sometimes affiliated with the website 4chan. Operation Payback started as retaliation to distributed… …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Barbarossa — Part of the Eastern Front of World War II …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Entebbe — Part of Arab Israeli conflict The old terminal building of the Enteb …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Epsom — Part of Battle for Caen An ammunition carrier of the 11th Armoured Division explodes after it is hit by a mortar round during Operation Epsom – …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Defensive Shield — Part of the Second Intifada Israeli tanks in Ramallah …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Mincemeat — was a successful British deception plan during World War II. As part of the widespread deception plan Operation Barclay to cover the intended invasion of Italy from North Africa, Mincemeat helped to convince the German high command that the… …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Days of Penitence — Part of the 2004 Israel–Gaza conflict Date September 30 – October 16, 2004 Location Gaza Strip Resul …   Wikipedia

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