bear oneself
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bear oneself — if you bear yourself like a bum, expect to treated as a bum Syn: conduct oneself, carry oneself, acquit oneself, act, behave, perform; formal comport oneself … Thesaurus of popular words
bear oneself — CONDUCT ONESELF, carry oneself, acquit oneself, act, behave, perform; formal comport oneself. → bear … Useful english dictionary
bear oneself — conduct oneself in a specified manner. → bear … English new terms dictionary
bear oneself — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. act, appear, conduct oneself, deport oneself; see behave 2 … English dictionary for students
bear — Ⅰ. bear [1] ► VERB (past bore; past part. borne) 1) carry. 2) have as a quality or visible mark. 3) support (a weight). 4) (bear oneself) behave in a specified manner: she bore herself w … English terms dictionary
bear — I. /bɛə / (say bair) verb (bore /bɔ/ (say baw) or, Archaic, bare, borne or born, bearing) – …
bear — bear1 /bair/, v., bore or (Archaic) bare; borne or born; bearing. v.t. 1. to hold up; support: to bear the weight of the roof. 2. to hold or remain firm under (a load): The roof will not bear the strain of his weight. 3. to bring forth ( … Universalium
bear — I [[t]bɛər[/t]] v. bore, borne born, bear•ing 1) to hold up or support: The columns bear the weight of the roof[/ex] 2) to give birth to: to bear a child[/ex] 3) to produce by natural growth: a tree that bears fruit[/ex] 4) to sustain or be… … From formal English to slang
bear — bear1 verb (past bore; past participle borne) 1》 carry or convey. ↘have as an attribute or visible mark. 2》 support (a weight). 3》 [with negative] manage to tolerate: I can t bear it. 4》 give birth to (a child). ↘(of a tree or plant)… … English new terms dictionary
bear — verb 1) I come bearing gifts Syn: carry, bring, transport, move, convey, take, fetch, deliver, tote, lug 2) the bag bore my name Syn: display, exhibit … Thesaurus of popular words