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  • Indian Revenue Service — (IRS) belongs to Group A Central Services of India.The Indian Revenue Service (IRS)is one of the Premier Civil Services (Group A ) of India.IRS comprises IRS(C CE) IRS (IT).IRS officers are concerned with the collection, administration and policy …   Wikipedia

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  • NRB Bearing — Ltd Type Public BSE: 530367 Industry Roller Bearing Founded 196 …   Wikipedia

  • lucrative — lu·cra·tive / lü krə tiv/ adj 1: producing wealth or profit 2: acquired, received, or had without burdensome conditions or giving of consideration lu·cra·tive·ly adv lu·cra·tive·ness n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law …   Law dictionary

  • India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… …   Universalium

  • Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview        Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… …   Universalium

  • western Africa, history of — Introduction       history of the region from the 11th century to the present.       A reasonable body of sources for the writing of western African history begins to be available about AD 1000. Three centuries earlier, the Arabs (Arab) had… …   Universalium

  • japan — japanner, n. /jeuh pan /, n., adj., v., japanned, japanning. n. 1. any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces. 2. work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner. 3. Japans,… …   Universalium

  • Japan — /jeuh pan /, n. 1. a constitutional monarchy on a chain of islands off the E coast of Asia: main islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. 125,716,637; 141,529 sq. mi. (366,560 sq. km). Cap.: Tokyo. Japanese, Nihon, Nippon. 2. Sea of, the… …   Universalium

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