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  • Behaviorism — or Behaviourism, also called the learning perspective (where any physical action is a behavior) is a philosophy of psychology based on the proposition that all things which organisms do including acting, thinking and feeling can and should be… …   Wikipedia

  • behaviorism — BEHAVIORÍSM s.n. Teorie care pune la baza psihologiei comportarea nediferenţială a omului şi animalului faţă de un stimulent exterior organismului; comportamentism. [pr.: vi o ] – Din engl. behaviorism, fr. béhaviorisme. Trimis de paula,… …   Dicționar Român

  • behaviorism — ehaviorism n. an approach to psychology that emphasizes observable measurable behavior. Syn: behaviourism, behavioristic psychology, behaviouristic psychology. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • behaviorism — coined 1913 by U.S. psychologist John B. Watson (1878 1958) from BEHAVIOR (Cf. behavior) + ISM (Cf. ism). Behaviorist is from the same time …   Etymology dictionary

  • behaviorism — ☆ behaviorism [bi hāv′yəriz΄əm ] n. [ BEHAVIOR + ISM: coined (1913) by John B. Watson (1878 1958), U.S. psychologist] the doctrine that observed behavior provides the only valid data of psychology: it rejects the concept of mind and consciousness …   English World dictionary

  • Behaviorism — (not to be confused with behavioralism of political science) is an approach to psychology based on the proposition that behavior can be researched scientifically without recourse to inner mental states. It is a form of materialism, denying any… …   Mini philosophy glossary

  • behaviorism — noun Date: 1913 a school of psychology that takes the objective evidence of behavior (as measured responses to stimuli) as the only concern of its research and the only basis of its theory without reference to conscious experience compare… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • behaviorism — behaviorist, n., adj. behavioristic, adj. behavioristically, adv. /bi hayv yeuh riz euhm/, n. Psychol. the theory or doctrine that human or animal psychology can be accurately studied only through the examination and analysis of objectively… …   Universalium

  • behaviorism — noun an approach to psychology focusing on behavior, denying any independent significance for mind and assuming that behavior is determined by the environment …   Wiktionary

  • behaviorism — A branch of psychology that formulates, through systematic observation and experimentation, the laws and principles that underlie the behavior of humans and animals; its major contributions have been made in the areas of conditioning and learning …   Medical dictionary

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