
index disordered, lost (disoriented)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • bemuddle — /bi mud l/, v.t., bemuddled, bemuddling. to muddle or confuse (someone). [1860 65; BE + MUDDLE] * * * …   Universalium

  • disordered — I adjective aberrant, abnormal, agitated, amiss, anarchical, anomalous, askew, atypical, awry, bedraggled, bemuddled, capricious, changeable, changeful, chaotic, confused, deviating, disarranged, discomposed, discontinuous, disheveled, disjunct,… …   Law dictionary

  • lost — adj 1: not made use of, won, or claimed lost opportunity costs 2: unintentionally gone out of or missing from one s possession or control 3: ruined or destroyed physically; also: in an unknown physical condition or location a lost ship Merria …   Law dictionary

  • astray — adv, adj 1. off the track, off, afield, off course, lost, stray; adrift, straying, wandering, drifting. 2. wrong, amiss, in error, abroad, at fault; wide of the mark, Sl. out in left field, erroneous, faulty, mistaken, incorrect; untrue, false,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • fuzzy — n 1. linty, fuzz covered, woolly, downy, Bot., Zool. pubescent. 2. blurred, out of focus, not clear; dim, dark, shadowy, misty; indistinct, indefinite, ill defined, obscure. 3. incoherent, confused, foggy; muddled, bemuddled, muddleheaded,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • perplexed — adj 1. bewildered, puzzled, mystified, confounded; baffled, Inf. bamboozled, Inf. buffaloed, Inf. stumped; disconcerted, Inf. discom bobulated, staggered; abashed, embarrassed, at a disadvantage or loss; stunned, stupefied, dazed, amazed,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • bemuddle — /bi mud l/, v.t., bemuddled, bemuddling. to muddle or confuse (someone). [1860 65; BE + MUDDLE] …   Useful english dictionary

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