
mar·shal 1 /'mär-shəl/ n
1: a ministerial officer appointed for each judicial district of the U.S. to execute the process of the courts and perform various duties similar to those of a sheriff
2: a law officer in some cities (as New York) of the U.S. who is entrusted with particular duties (as serving the process of justice of the peace courts)
3: the administrative head of the police or esp. fire department in some cities of the U.S.
marshal 2 also marshall vt -shaled also -shalled, -shal·ing, also, -shal·ling: to fix the order of (assets) with respect to liability or availability for payment of obligations; also: to fix the order of (as liens or remedies) with respect to priority against a debtor's assets see also marshaling

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun arm of the law, bailiff, county officer, court officer, dux, federal officer, law enforcement agent, minor officer of the law, officer, officer of the law, officer who carries out orders of the court, peace officer II verb allocate, allot, apportion, arrange, array, assign, bring to order, collocate, compose, coordinate, deal out, disponere, distribute, fix, form into ranks, group, guide, index, instruere, introduce order, lead, line up, manage, muster, organize, parcel out, place, place in order, position, put in order, rank, regiment, regulate, set in order, set up, systematize associated concepts: marshaling assets, marshaling liens, marshaling remedies, marshaling securities III index allocate, arrange (methodize), classify, file (arrange), fix (arrange), organize (arrange), tabulate

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A public officer who enforces laws; the head of a police or fire department; a sheriff.
To arrange; to put in order. See also United States Marshal

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1) A law enforcement officer similar to a sheriff.
2) A judicial officer who serves papers and provides other services to the court. The U.S. Marshals (also called federal Marshals) provide security and other services to the federal courts.
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Representing Yourself in Court
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Category: Working With a Lawyer

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 A federal court employee with police-like powers who provides security, guards prisoners, and seizes property in execution of judgments, among other functions.
2 A state or local official with responsibilities like those of a sheriff.
3 Arranging in order of priority or in a logical pattern.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A federal court officer whose job entails maintaining the peace, delivering legal papers, and performing duties similar to those of a state sheriff.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A federal court officer whose job entails maintaining the peace, delivering legal papers, and performing duties similar to those of a state sheriff.
II The executive officer of the federal court.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) n. a federal court official who may serve papers and act as a law enforcement officer in keeping order in court, protecting federal officials, making arrests or participating in court-ordered police activities. Each district court has a federal marshal and a corps of deputies.
   2) n. in several states, a law enforcement officer, similar to a sheriff or constable, who serves official documents and occasionally assists in police matters.
   3) v. to collect the assets of the estate of a person who has died. This is a function of an executor or administrator of an estate. Sometimes the executor or administrator may ask the court to allow the sale or division of gifts in order to achieve the distribution the testator (writer of a will) desired. This is part of the marshaling process.
   4) v. in bankruptcy, to establish priorities among creditors.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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