blur the outline

blur the outline
index blind (obscure)

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  • Blur — (bl[^u]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Blurred} (bl[^u]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Blurring}.] [Prob. of same origin as blear. See {Blear}.] 1. To render obscure by making the form or outline of confused and uncertain, as by soiling; to smear; to make… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blur — blurredly /blerr id lee, blerrd /, adv. blurredness, n. blurringly, adv. /blerr/, v., blurred, blurring, n. v.t. 1. to obscure or sully (something) by smearing or with a smeary substance: The windows were blurred with soot. 2. to obscure by… …   Universalium

  • blur — [[t]blɜ͟ː(r)[/t]] blurs, blurring, blurred 1) N COUNT: oft N of n A blur is a shape or area which you cannot see clearly because it has no distinct outline or because it is moving very fast. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on …   English dictionary

  • blur — [[t]blɜr[/t]] v. blurred, blur•ring, n. 1) to obscure or make indistinct, as by smearing or staining: The fog blurred the outline of the car[/ex] 2) to obscure or sully by smearing or applying a smeary substance 3) to dull the perception or… …   From formal English to slang

  • blur´ri|ness — blur|ry «BLUR ee», adjective, ri|er, ri|est. 1. dim; indistinct: »The hills were a blurry outline in the dusk. 2. full of smears and smudges: » a blurry copy …   Useful english dictionary

  • blur|ry — «BLUR ee», adjective, ri|er, ri|est. 1. dim; indistinct: »The hills were a blurry outline in the dusk. 2. full of smears and smudges: » a blurry copy …   Useful english dictionary

  • Outline of photography — The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to photography: Photography – the process of making pictures by the action of recording Light patterns, reflected or emitted from objects, on a photosensitive medium or a… …   Wikipedia

  • blur — [blʉr] vt., vi. blurred, blurring [16th c.; ? akin to BLEAR] 1. to smear or stain without obliterating; blot; smudge 2. to make or become hazy or indistinct in outline or shape 3. to make or become dim or dull n. 1. the state of being blurred …   English World dictionary

  • blur — [c]/blɜ / (say bler) verb (blurred, blurring) –verb (t) 1. to obscure or sully as by smearing with ink, etc. 2. to obscure by making confused in form or outline; make indistinct: *There is a small trickle of blood already blurred by rain. –thea… …  

  • Utilitarians (The early) — The early utilitarians Bentham and James Mill G.L.Williams Jeremy Bentham was born in 1748 in London; his prosperous father, a lawyer who became wealthy from property rather than the law, planned out for his son a brilliant legal career. After an …   History of philosophy

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