
index capture, contain (comprise), ensnare, entrap, gain, occupy (take possession), receive (acquire)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • capere — /ka pere/ v. intr. [lat. capĕre, con mutamento di coniug.], ant. [poter stare in un luogo, esser contenuto: come veggion le terrene menti non c. in triangol due ottusi (Dante)] ▶◀ entrare, starci, stare …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • CAPERE — verbum signatum et quasi consecratum, de Vestalibus dicebatur, cum in ordinem hunc legetentur. A. Gellius, l. 1. c. 12. Qui de Vestali Virgine captenda scrtpserunt, quorum diligentissime scripsit Labco Antistius, minorem quam annos VI. maiorem,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • capere — 1cà·pe·re LE prendere, catturare Sinonimi: afferrare. Contrari: lasciare. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1294. ETIMO: lat. capĕre. NOTA GRAMMATICALE: forme attestate: 2Є pers. sing. dell ind. pres., inf. pres., p.pass. 2ca·pé·re, v.intr …   Dizionario italiano

  • Capère — nf chapelle Gascogne …   Glossaire des noms topographiques en France

  • capere — {{hw}}{{capere}}{{/hw}}v. tr.  e intr.  ( oggi difett. usato solo nella terza persona sing. e pl. di alcuni tempi semplici: pres. indic. cape , capono ; imperf. capeva , capevano ; condiz. pres. caperebbe ) (raro, lett.) Capire | Non mi cape, non …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • non videtur quisquam id capere quod ei necesse est alii restitutere — /non vadiytar kwiskwaem id kaepariy kwod iyay nasesiy est eyliyay restatyuwariy/ No one is considered entitled to recover that which he must give up to another …   Black's law dictionary

  • non videtur quisquam id capere quod ei necesse est alii restitutere — /non vadiytar kwiskwaem id kaepariy kwod iyay nasesiy est eyliyay restatyuwariy/ No one is considered entitled to recover that which he must give up to another …   Black's law dictionary

  • nullus commodum capere potest de injoria sua propria — /nalas komadam kaepariy powtast diy anjuriya s(y)uwa prowpriya/ No one can obtain an advantage by his own wrong. De Zotell v. Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New York, 60 S.D. 532, 245 N.W. 58, 59 …   Black's law dictionary

  • arma capere — To take arms; to assume knighthood …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Non videtur quisquam id capere, quod ei necesse est alit restituere — (Civil law.) Anyone is not deemed to recover that which he is obliged to give up to another …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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