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aversion — [ avɛrsjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1636; « révulsion » méd. 1537; « égarement » XIIIe; lat. aversio, de avertere « détourner » ♦ Grande répugnance, violente répulsion. ⇒ antipathie, dégoût, exécration, haine , horreur, répulsion, répugnance; phobie. Avoir de l … Encyclopédie Universelle
Aversion therapy — is a form of psychiatric, mental health or psychological treatment in which the patient is exposed to a stimulus while simultaneously being subjected to some form of discomfort. This conditioning is intended to cause the patient to associate the… … Wikipedia
aversion therapy — n. therapy designed to suppress undesirable behavior, as a compulsion or addiction, by conditioning a person to associate the behavior with an unpleasant or painful stimulus * * * ▪ psychology psychotherapy designed to cause a patient to… … Universalium
aversion — /euh verr zheuhn, sheuhn/, n. 1. a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy (usually fol. by to): a strong aversion to snakes and spiders. 2. a cause or object of dislike; person or thing that causes antipathy: His pet… … Universalium
aversion — a•ver•sion [[t]əˈvɜr ʒən, ʃən[/t]] n. 1) a strong feeling of dislike, repugnance, or antipathy toward something and a desire to avoid it: an aversion to snakes[/ex] 2) a cause or object of such a feeling 3) Obs. the act of turning away or… … From formal English to slang
aversion — /əˈvɜʒən / (say uh verzhuhn), / ˈvɜʃən/ (say vershuhn) noun 1. (sometimes followed by to) an averted state of the mind or feelings; repugnance, antipathy, or rooted dislike. 2. a cause of dislike; an object of repugnance. 3. Obsolete a turning… …
Work aversion — Work aversion, Workplace aversion, or Employment aversion is a psychological behavior, often part of an anxiety disorder, in which the subject intentionally refuses to be gainfully employed at all, or works far less than is necessary in order to… … Wikipedia
Taste aversion — Conditioned taste aversion[1], also known as Garcia effect (after Dr. John Garcia), and as Sauce Bearnaise Syndrome , a term coined by Seligman and Hager,[2] is an example of classical conditioning or Pavlovian conditioning. Conditioned taste… … Wikipedia
Inequity aversion — (IA) is the preference for fairness and resistance to inequitable outcomes.cite journal | last = Fehr | first = E. | coauthors = Schmidt, K. M. | authorlink = Ernst Fehr | year = 1999 | title = A theory of fairness, competition, and cooperation | … Wikipedia
Loss aversion — In prospect theory, loss aversion refers to the tendency for people strongly to prefer avoiding losses than acquiring gains. Some studies suggest that losses are twice as powerful, psychologically, as gains.Loss aversion was first convincingly… … Wikipedia