cessation of activity
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Youth Tobacco Cessation Collaborative — The Youth Tobacco Cessation Collaborative (YTCC) was formed in the United States in 1998 to address the gap in knowledge about what cessation strategies are most effective in assisting youth to quit smoking. Collaborative members represent major… … Wikipedia
post-cessation receipts — Amounts accruing from a trading activity that are received after the trade has ceased. For tax purposes the receipts are treated as income in the year of receipt, from which any relevant trade expenses incurred can be deducted. An election can be … Accounting dictionary
pulseless electrical activity — (PEA) continued electrical rhythmicity of the heart in the absence of effective mechanical function; it may be due to uncoupling of ventricular muscle contraction from electrical activity or may be secondary to cardiac damage with respiratory… … Medical dictionary
standstill — Cessation of activity. atrial s. cessation of atrial contractions, marked by absence of atrial waves in the electrocardiogram. SYN: auricular s.. auricular s. SYN: atrial s.. cardiac s. SYN … Medical dictionary
pause — n Pause, recess, respite, lull, intermission are comparable when they mean a temporary cessation especially in action, in activity, or in movement. Pause, though it carries an implication of expected resumption, stresses the fact of stopping… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
brain death — noun death when respiration and other reflexes are absent; consciousness is gone; organs can be removed for transplantation before the heartbeat stops • Syn: ↑cerebral death • Hypernyms: ↑death * * * noun : final cessation of activity in the… … Useful english dictionary
Orthodox Roundtable — (a.k.a. The RCA Roundtable) was a Modern Orthodox rabbinic think tank that functioned from 1988 until 1994. Originally conceived by a group of orthodox rabbis and laypersons in the New York area, the goal of the Roundtable was to promote halakhic … Wikipedia
inactivity — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Lack of action Nouns 1. inactivity; inaction; inertness; lull, cessation (see repose); idleness, sloth, laziness, indolence, vegetation; unemployment, dilatoriness, dawdling; malingering; passiveness,… … English dictionary for students
Mauna Loa — For other uses, see Mauna Loa (disambiguation). Mauna Loa … Wikipedia
lull — I noun abatement, armistice, break, breather, breathing spell, breathing time, brief silence, calm, calmness, cessation, cessation of activity, cessation of sound, desistance, discontinuance, discontinuation, halt, hush, idleness, inactivity,… … Law dictionary