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Cliens — In Rome, cliens (plural clientes ) referred to the lesser partner in the Ancient Roman social institution of clientela, obligated through a debt of loyalty to repay received favors that he had received from his patronus. The term cliens may be… … Wikipedia
Cliens, Clientēla — (lat.), s. Klient, Klientel … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
cliens — /klayanz/ In the Roman law, a client or dependent. One who depended upon another as his patron or protector, adviser or defender, in suits at law and other difficulties … Black's law dictionary
cliens — /klayanz/ In the Roman law, a client or dependent. One who depended upon another as his patron or protector, adviser or defender, in suits at law and other difficulties … Black's law dictionary
КЛИЕНТ — • Cliens, см. Patronus, Патрон … Реальный словарь классических древностей
КЛИЕНТ — (лат. cliens, tis, слушающий). 1) находящийся под чьим либо покровительством. 2) в Риме плебей, находившейся под покровительством у патрициев. 3) лицо, поручающее свои дела и интересы адвокату, нотариусу и т. п. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
client — client, cliente [ klijɑ̃, klijɑ̃t ] n. • 1437; lat. cliens, clientis 1 ♦ Antiq. À Rome, Plébéien qui se mettait sous la protection d un patricien appelé patron. ♢ (1538) Vx Personne qui se place sous la protection de qqn. ⇒ protégé. 2 ♦ Mod.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Clientela — was a Roman law, or social convention that linked Plebeians with the legal, social, and sometimes economic protection of Patrician families. This was not only customary, but necessary, as Plebeians on their own had limited legal rights and… … Wikipedia
Klient — Patient; Kranker * * * Kli|ent [kli ɛnt], der; en, en, Kli|en|tin [kli ɛntɪn], die; , nen: Person, die [gegen Bezahlung] Rat oder Hilfe bei jmdm. sucht, die jmdn. beauftragt, ihre Interessen zu vertreten: die Klienten der Beratungsfirma; der… … Universal-Lexikon
client — CLIÉNT, Ă, clienţi, e, s.m. şi f. 1. Persoană care cumpără (regulat) de la un magazin, consumă ceva într un local public etc., considerată în raport cu persoana sau întreprinderea de la care cumpără, consumă etc.; muşteriu. 2. Persoană care se… … Dicționar Român