
index trade

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • trade — 1 n 1 a: the business or work in which one engages regularly b: an occupation requiring manual or mechanical skill c: the persons engaged in an occupation 2: the business of buying and selling or bartering commodities 3: an act or instance of… …   Law dictionary

  • komercijala — komercijála ž DEFINICIJA trg. 1. komercijalni odio u nekom poduzeću 2. roba koja se dobro prodaje ETIMOLOGIJA lat. commercium: trgovina ≃ commercari: međusobno trgovati …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • acheter — Acheter, act. acut. Comparare, Emere, Mercari, Nundinari, Pensare argento, Praestinare. Acheter ensemble, Commercari, Coemere. Acheter à bon marché, à bon conte, à prix raisonnable, Bene emere, aequo pretio emere. Acheter cher, Care emere, Iniquo …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • marchander — Marchander, act. penac. Mercari, Nundinari, Commercari. Marchander la peine d aucun, le loüer à faire quelque chose, Elocare, Conducere aliquem. Il ne faut point marchander ne barguigner, Emendum quanti indicatum sit …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

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