
pal·i·mo·ny /'pa-lə-ˌmō-nē/ n [blend of pal and alimony]: a court-ordered allowance paid by one member of a couple formerly living together out of wedlock to the other
— not used technically

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

Financial support similar to alimony given to a partner in a terminated nonmarital relationship; see also domestic partner

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

A nonlegal term coined by journalists to describe the division of property or an order for support — in the nature of alimony — paid by one member of an unmarried couple to the other after they break up.
Category: Divorce & Family Law

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. A court-mandated payment by one of a former unmarried couple, who cohabited, to the other. The term originated in the reportage of Marvin v. Marvin, a 1976 California case. A portmanteau word, constructed from pal and alimony.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

   a substitute for alimony in cases in which the couple were not married but lived together for a long period and then terminated their relationship. The key issue is whether there was an agreement that one partner would support the other in return for the second making a home and performing other domestic duties beyond sexual pleasures. Written palimony contracts are rare, but the courts have found "implied" contracts, when a woman has given up her career, managed the household or assisted in the man's business for a lengthy period of time. In the past 20 years palimony suits have proliferated, particularly against celebrities and wealthy businessmen, but the earliest was the famous California case of Sarah Althea Hill v. Senator William Sharon in the 1880s, which Ms. Hill lost. The line between a mutual "affair" and a relationship warranting palimony is a difficult one which must be decided on a case by case basis. Palimony suits may be avoided by contracts written prior to or during the relationship.
   See also: alimony

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Palimony — is a popular (but not a historical or legal) term used to describe the division of financial assets and real property on the termination of a personal live in relationship wherein the parties are not legally married. The term is a portmanteau of… …   Wikipedia

  • palimony — pal i*mo ny (p[a^]l [i^]*m[=o] n[y^]), n. [pal + alimony. (ca. 1975)] a form of alimony paid to a former partner in a romantic relationship after a period of living together, even though the two persons involved were not married to each other.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • palimony — (n.) 1979, coined from PAL (Cf. pal) (n.) + ALIMONY (Cf. alimony). Popularized, if not introduced, during lawsuit against U.S. film star Lee Marvin …   Etymology dictionary

  • palimony — ☆ palimony [pal′ə mō΄nē ] n. [ PAL + (AL)IMONY] an allowance or a property settlement claimed by or granted to one member of an unmarried couple who separate after having lived together …   English World dictionary

  • palimony — [“paelamoni] n. alimony living expenses paid to a common law wife or to a former girlfriend. □ He left her, and she took him to court to try to get him to pay palimony. □ With a good lawyer, she ot more palimony than she could ever have gotten as …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • palimony — [[t]pæ̱lɪmoʊni[/t]] N UNCOUNT Palimony is money that a person pays to a partner they have lived with for a long time and are now separated from. Compare alimony …   English dictionary

  • palimony — noun Etymology: blend of pal and alimony Date: 1979 a court ordered allowance paid by one member of a couple formerly living together out of wedlock to the other …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • palimony — /pal euh moh nee/, n. a form of alimony awarded to one of the partners in a romantic relationship after the breakup of that relationship following a long period of living together. [1975 80, Amer.; b. PAL and ALIMONY] * * * …   Universalium

  • palimony — noun A form of alimony paid to a former partner in a nonmarital relationship …   Wiktionary

  • palimony — pa|li|mo|ny [ˈpælıməni US mouni] n [U] [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: pal + alimony] especially AmE an amount of money that a law court orders someone to pay regularly to a former partner that they were living with but were not married to …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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