commit to an institution
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commit — com·mit vb com·mit·ted, com·mit·ting vt 1 a: to put into another s charge or trust: entrust consign committed her children to her sister s care b: to place in a prison or mental hospital esp. by judicial order was found to be gravely … Law dictionary
commit — [[t]kəmɪ̱t[/t]] ♦♦ commits, committing, committed 1) VERB If someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or bad. [V n] I have never committed any crime... [V n] This is a man who has committed murder. [V n] ...the temp … English dictionary
commit — committable, adj. committer, n. /keuh mit /, v., committed, committing. v.t. 1. to give in trust or charge; consign. 2. to consign for preservation: to commit ideas to writing; to commit a poem to memory. 3. to pledge (oneself) to a position on… … Universalium
commit — com•mit [[t]kəˈmɪt[/t]] v. mit•ted, mit•ting 1) to give in trust or charge; consign 2) to consign for preservation: to commit ideas to writing[/ex] 3) to declare as having a certain opinion or position: The senator would not commit herself on the … From formal English to slang
commit — /kəˈmɪt / (say kuh mit) verb (t) (committed, committing) 1. to give in trust or charge; entrust; consign. 2. to consign for preservation: to commit to writing; to commit to memory. 3. to consign to custody in an institution, as a jail, mental… …
commit — verb (committed; committing) Etymology: Middle English committen, from Anglo French committer, from Latin committere to connect, entrust, from com + mittere to send Date: 14th century transitive verb 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
institution — The act of instituting or establishing something. Something that has been established, particularly a place where an educational or charitable enterprise is conducted. Trustees of Kentucky Female Orphan School v Louisville, 100 Ky 470, 36 SW 921 … Ballentine's law dictionary
commit — to consign to an institution for the insane Literally, to give in charge, and clearly the shorter form of a longer phrase: Polly, you ought to commit your father. (M. McCarthy, 1963 father was mentally ill but at liberty) And see… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
commit — com·mit || kÉ™ mɪt v. perform, do, execute; offer, pledge (one s loyalty, etc.); be obliged; give, entrust; send to prison, send to an institution (i.e. mental institution) … English contemporary dictionary
COMMIT — Community Intervention Trial [for Smoking Cessation]; Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Interventional Trial [for Regression of Coronary Heart Disease] * * * com·mit kə mit vt, com·mit·ted; com·mit·ting to place in a prison or mental institution… … Medical dictionary