consideration in advance
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advance — ad·vance 1 vt ad·vanced, ad·vanc·ing: to supply or provide ahead of time: as a: to give (a gift) by way of or as an advancement b: to supply (as money) beforehand in expectation of repayment or other future adjustment advance 2 n: a provision of… … Law dictionary
Advance-fee fraud — African sting An advance fee fraud is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance sums of money in the hope of realizing a significantly larger gain.[1] Among the variations on this type of scam are the Nigerian Letter (also… … Wikipedia
advance — advancingly, adv. /ad vans , vahns /, v., advanced, advancing, n., adj. v.t. 1. to move or bring forward: The general advanced his troops to the new position. 2. to bring into consideration or notice; suggest; propose: to advance reasons for a… … Universalium
advance — I. verb (advanced; advancing) Etymology: Middle English advauncen, from Anglo French avancer, from Vulgar Latin *abantiare, from Late Latin abante in front, from Latin ab + ante before more at ante Date: 15th century transitive verb 1. to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
advance — ad•vance [[t]ædˈvæns, ˈvɑns[/t]] v. vanced, vanc•ing, n. adj. 1) to move or bring forward in position 2) to bring into consideration; suggest; propose: to advance reasons for a tax cut[/ex] 3) to further the development, progress, or prospects… … From formal English to slang
advance — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. progress, go forward, proceed; further, second, aid. n. progress, rise; success, gain; prepayment. See progression, debt, offer. Ant., retard; recede, withdraw. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The act of… … English dictionary for students
advance — v 1. send onward, push or bring forward, move or put forward; propel, shove, force toward the front or fore. 2. go forward, make headway, move on or onward, march or step forward; proceed, continue, keep going, press or push on, go or get on;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge debate — The Pearl Harbor advance knowledge debate is a dispute over what, if any, advance knowledge American officials had of Japan s December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.Ever since the Japanese attack there has been debate as to how and why the… … Wikipedia
fair consideration — An adequate, just, or proper consideration; something more than a nominal consideration. Rude v Levy, 43 Colo 482, 96 P 560. A consideration fairly proportioned to the money, property, or services furnished by the contracting party. Manello v… … Ballentine's law dictionary
forethought — I noun advance planning, aim, anticipation, calculation, circumspection, consideration, consideration in advance, contemplation, deliberate intention, deliberation, design, direction, distinct purpose, fixed purpose, intent, intention, plan,… … Law dictionary